The first annual Tutor/Mentor Jam was a huge success.

Community coming together to network and make a difference! That's why I'm here - this is what my maps work to accomplish.
We had a pretty good turn out for the first year too, on a warm Sunday afternoon - we ended up with somewhere around 175 in attendance (about 75% capacity)... they got to hear new local music, meet local radio reps, hear media leaders and volunteer mentors talk... there was a lot of networking, we brought new visibility to a great cause, and it was a ton of fun.
I'm hoping to ride that momentum into the school season, as the school year starts...
Check back soon for details about:
1. A partnership between students at Loyola University and Mapping For Justice...
2. A map gallery at a local bar/restaurant coinciding with International GIS Day in November...
3. Our bi-annual Tutor/Mentor Conference in November...
4. New innovations in our online mapping capacities.
If any of this seems interesting to you, drop me a line.
We're always looking for volunteers and investment for next year's Tutor/Mentor Jam, and with everything we do!